ENEMY OF PROGRESS by Kneelyo Akinbowale

I do ask myself if everybody on Earth have enemy or enemies….

Sometimes most of us normally take our enemy’s as friends, not all enemy’s shows it, some of them will only show you when they see you are progressing more than them.
When you are loosing, that things are falling apart that time they will surely be your friend not just friend but best friend because they can see you’re not better than them.

They come to you as helper when you re in need of something, they make themselves available when you need someone to talk too, so they can know how far you’ve progress…if they see you’ve not progressed they show you more love.
At that time you will see them as your best friend not knowing what they really want to know about your life.
Some of this enemy of Progress will come to you ask some certain questions, so they can go and tell people out there…
A lot of people have mistakenly seen their enemy’s as the savior to their problem that’s why most people’s problem have not been solved, someone that did not want you to be better than him or her you’re going to meet the person for advice.
 Do you think he or she will advise you in a better way? No never will someone like that do so.
Some people family are their enemy’s, but they’re not showing it until God open the person eyes to see them.
It only takes God grace to survive in a situation like this where your siblings are your enemy.
Enemy of Progress are people that will stop greeting you when they noticed a turn around in your life…when they noticed that you don’t used to come to them before you eat or do anything in your life.
They are people that will be telling people negative things about you when they know it is positive things you are doing.
They hate to see you move forward, they hate to see you wear new things, they hate to see you doing things without telling them.
But do you know that most people create this enemy by themselves? With the act of not knowing how to keep things to themselves. They find it very hard to keep their progress within themselves, they like being loudly.
A Yoruba provide said Bi esu eni ba ta a ma fi owo bo je ni.(if you’re progressing in life you keep most to yourself)
They make enemies see themselves as if they are too special to them and they can’t do without them.
Never believe that is only your enemy is the enemy of Progress but also have it in mind that your siblings and Friends can also be your enemy of Progress.
There is a reason why most people prayers have not been answered because they believe it is only their enemy that can harm them not knowing that their friends and family can also harm. We have enemy in disguise more of these people are our friends, family and love ones.
 Please don’t get me wrong am not saying your friends, family and love ones are your enemy in disguise, but we all just need to be very careful and vigilant.
Your enemy can come to you as anything whether as a friend (enemy in disguise) or enemy, it might also come as a helper just to get access to your life, so he or she can know where to start with you.
Most people don’t follow their heart when it comes to choosing of friends and love ones. I do say this in anything you want to do in life follow your heart, because your heart can never mislead you to the wrong part. but some people even argue with their heart whenever they want to make a decision in their life and this has put a lot of people in wrong relationship.
How will you survive if the man or woman you got married to is your enemy in disguise?
Or if your business partner is your enemy in disguise. How will you explain if you later find out that one of your siblings is an enemy of progress?

A lot of family’s have bigger issue to work on because most people in that family are enemy to each other they never want to see any member of that family progress in life.
They are always ready to bring down anyone that is about to leave the low status of the family to the higher status that the family supposed to be.
Enemy of progress are the people that laugh at you when you fall but the pretend to be crying for you when they see you.
They show fake care when you go to them, make you feel important to them but the moment you leave there they will start to wish you bad luck.
Most of us don’t know our enemy of progress because everywhere is full of fake love…

It takes only God grace to know who your real enemies are, talk less of knowing your enemy of progress or enemy in disguise.


Kneelyo Akinbowale

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